I’m not even sure I should be telling this story, but for the sake of free information and a great tale, I must share this.
Only moments ago Sonya and I were in the kitchen talking and sharing as is usual on our Saturdays. Abigail was outside in the snow, playing and walking and being her usual nature-loving self. Elliott had gone up to his room to play and sing and throw things (I assume). I reminisced about how I liked to play in my room as a kid — collectively meshing my G.I. Joe’s and Lego’s, Matchboxes and Lincoln Logs. Then we both thought “Gee, it’s been awful quiet up there, wonder what he’s gotten into?”
Sonya goes up and I hear a few muffled words, then “Paul, you might want to come up here.”
I walk up the stairs to be greeted by naked Elliott in the hallway. A happy naked Elliott in the hallway. And by happy, I mean that, yes, he had an erection. He’s was very proud of his erection and proceed to tell me about it. Now he is 4-1/2, mind you, and the exploratory nature of a child’s body is natural, so there is no sexual nor perverse bone in his body, just curiosity. Not only does he tell me its a “magic” penis, but then shows me how he can “hammer” on the door with it.
As proud as I might have been, I managed to get him focused on getting himself dressed — as he again told me his “magic” penis was like a spring (“Boing! See that daddy!?”).
Why do I tell you this? Because if one day you might have boys, you must be prepared. That’s why. Oh, and it\’s pretty funny.