I’m faced with the dilemma of needing, or at least feeling the pull, to confront some friends on what directions their lives seem to be ever falling toward. I’m partly angry at the church. For not knowing it’s own members. For not seeking, praying and truly getting the “right” people to head certain ministries. But instead they allow those feel it’s their duty to “fill the gaps” do all the work, and keep the sleepers in their beds comfortable and not fulfilling their calls.
It’s a hidden abuse that cyically will kill a church – those that do it all burn out, and those that never do have no confidence that they’re church will see them or use them. So, here I am biting my nails, looking for the right words, the right time, but fearing what is all to common. Deaf ears. Really means nothing if they don’t listen, it’s not my job to make them hear. There is no perfection, there is no comfort, there is no peace when you try to do it all to fulfill a need apart from the edification of the church.
I don’t think it makes God smile to see us neglect our lives in sufferage for calls that are not ours. To make works more important than faith. We first must be confident and faithful in who we are in Christ, then we can be confident in what we do in Christ.