Michael W. Smith called over the weekend. Sarah Jessica Parker called on Friday. Sometime Saturday morning Ron Reagan (son of former President Reagan) called as well. I’ve heard that Bruce Springstein might call as well. I get the picture that our area in Ohio is much desired by both parties and that they want me, to vote for their respected candidate.
I don’t care what they think, or what they tell me, it’s up to me. And in the end, it will all work out.
Watched Napoleon Dynamite on Saturday night. Very quirky and better with time (in the mind). I do a rather good impression of Napoleon “Heck yeah!”
Last night we watched Donnie Darko. I highly recommend. If ever a movie explored the difficult concept of predestination and the sovereign will of God and his omnipresence — this superbly explores the mind altering concept of God’s grace, love, will and direction. Time to get ready and take Abbie to school.