Once again we have striked out in obtaining a babysitter for tonight, so I will be staying home, as usual (I rarely ever go anywhere without kids in toe!) and Paul will be going solo to support our friend Jason and his band tonight….“rock on Jason ;-)”
I am so tired of not being able to get out to have adult fun and in moments like these, I start feeling like a hostage instead of a parent; ha! “It could be worse” you might say; well, duh! it could always be freakin worse, and that is TOTALLY NOT THE POINT. What is the point is that we all face disappointments in life, feel anger …frustration … hurt … betrayal … depression. It does us no good as human beings or as Christians to ignore our feelings, nor should we let our feelings dictate what we do.
Acknowledging our feelings and finding a good outlet can do wonders instead of stuffing and exploding over the tiniest thing later on. We do justice to our psyche, to our friends and to our loved ones when we get a grasp of who we are and how we operate. We have to stop pretending everything’s “fine” and never ever again sing that song “I’m in right, down right happy all the time”, an old Christian song for kids, it’s just not true!
Well, end of rant. I’ve acknowledge I\’m pissed about not going out tonight, I’ve talked to my sitters and found out that I may have more luck in getting them to sit on Saturday nights (important mental note for future reference) and I am working on an alternate plan of action for myself tonight, instead of sitting home and pouting =-) I will watch a few episodes of “Lost” which just came in the mail from Netflix. I have never yet seen the episode and understand from friends that it is truly awesome. So, braincandy for me tonight. It could be worse =-).