We’ve had our differences Adelphia, and you’ve done your best to make me happy. For months I’ve been indifferently content (and by indifferent, I mean that I haven’t noticed how much you suck).
Yesterday around 1pm my connection disappeared. I went to play my drums. 45 minutes later I came back to my office. I still had no connect, so I did the usual battery of unplugging, resetting, restarting; all to no avail. I called your technical support at about 2pm, and I was told there was an outage in my area. So, I contented worked on “non” internet work.
When 4pm rolled around and my little lights weren’t twinkling, I called you again. This time I was rebuffed with a blanket message “Those customers in Cleveland, Dublin, Toledo, Columbus and the Cincinnati region, we are aware of the high-speed connection errors, and our technicians are working on them.”
How can you lose the connection of the entire state of Ohio? At 1:30am you were able to get my connection back … after I missed an entire afternoon of work.
Here’s my bill for time lost: $330 Paid to Paul Armstrong for billable hour loss; Net 30. Thank you.