Today Elliott had a mini-Christmas show at his pre-school; where the kids sang a few songs and teachers told the Christmas story. I had brought the video camera and camera. Unfortunately the video camera was left on by someone cough Sonya cough, so we couldn’t capture what unfolded.
And whate exactly unfolded I hear you ask. I shall tell you.
Elliott looked comfortable and happy on stage. The kids were sitting and listening at the head of the school started to read. Then we see Elliott make his angry face and kicks Parker (the boy in front of him). So Parker starts to cry.
Then all the kids stand to sing. The boy is still crying, and now Elliott is angry at the kid behind him because the boy is screaming at the top of his lungs (to sing). We notice Elliott turn around and “sssshhhhhhh” the boy, and most likely tell him to shut up.
Then Elliott just plugs his ears the rest of the time and refuses to sing.
Meanwhile, Parker is still crying (and appears to have to pee).
And the other boy is still screaming his heart out (and maybe has to pee as well; hell, maybe all the kids have to pee – who knows – they certainly all couldn’t stop wiggling).
Sonya and I turn to each other, and decide, he’s still in school; it’s the teachers problem.
Actually, we checked on Elliott right after, and he and Parker were laughing and making fart noises — which in a boys world, means your best friends. And seriously, why do readings? These are 3-4 year olds, they have the attention span of ear weevils (yeah, I have no clue, just laugh)