I can understand not bending the rules so as to keep civil order. I can understand setting standards so that there is reasonable expectation upon citizens and their mail habits. But you are the dictator of the post service and you make me weep in pissed-off-ed-ness.
I left 2 Netflix DVD envelops in our mail box. I dutifully lifted the red “flag” that is located on the side of the mail receptacle. I made sure the “flag” was pointing perfectly vertical to the ground (I even got out the level), so as to display the proper postal service etiquette in signaling to you – our mail person – that contained within is mail to be picked. up.
You decided to not pick those up. You also decided to not leave mail. But you did put our flag back to its stationary and resting position. I do not understand what I did wrong, but you’re making baby Jesus cry. You should be sad.