What we learned: As suspected, they are not the others Anna RosaAna Lucia (or Ana Lucifer as I call her) is a dictator and bitch Of the 23 survivors of the tail, very few remain (perhaps the sickness) The food brought them all together — instead of potentially dividing them all apart and against each…
Read MoreThe one about bullies
Apparently bullying starts younger than I remember. Every year Abigail\’s school switches up the class make up (for whatever reason). Five of Abigail’s classmates from her Kindergarten class are in her 1st grade class. One of them was what Abigail called a “friend” (whatever that might mean in 5 year old land). But this year…
Read MoreI always thought that dogs laid eggs – so yeah, I learned something today.
Somehow I’ve become the guy that spends 2 and a half hours on a cool and gray Saturday afternoon vacuuming and washing his — mini van. That’s right. I take pride in my mini van. I in fact, like it. Somewhere between “I do” and diaper changing I’ve grow to value an economy of space…
Read MoreLost: Recap (S2,E3)
Synposis and analysis time. What we have learned: Locke was obsessed with the man that took his kidney (could this be the way Locke was paralyzed? perhaps the man got so annoyed that he caused an “accident” with Locke?) Locke was in anger management. Met a woman named Helen. Jack is very angry about “faith”….
Read MoreThe ruptured capillaries in your nose belie the clarity of your wisdom
When does realism turn into pessimism? I first started to think about this as I watch my Chiefs get humiliated on Sunday evening. There came a point in the game when I knew that they had lost momentum -— and the game (even though they were up by 11 points). There was an entire half…
Read MoreI don’t take coupons from giant chickens, not after last time
Sweet Lincoln’s mullet its finally (99%) done! The church site has been a labor of love for about 4 or 5months now. It started out as me approaching Ryan (Hartsock) about doing any design work they might need (like banners, bulletins, displays) and turned toward a “wishlist” of what a church website could and should…
Read MoreLost: Recap (S2,E2)
What we now know: Sawyer and Michael are fine – but bicker like married senior citizens. Jin was captured by the “others”. Kate likes chocolate. Desmond believes the world was to end Desmond also apparently likes snowmen (freak) There is a 108 (minute?) countdown that is preventing something from happening. The shark(s?) have that symbol…
Read MoreA boats a boat, but a box could be anything – it could even be a boat!
I’m addicted. I really am. Obsessed might be the word. Its never a good sign for your sanity (or career) when you think about a fictional TV show so much that you comb message boards looking for clues and insights, typing in secret words into a barcode input boxes (which by the way, you type…
Read MoreDear TV Series ‘Lost’,
I know we’re quite late to jump on the bandwagon. Criminally late. But wow. WOW. We watched your first 4 episodes (for the first time) last week. Wow. Now we’re hopelessly and happily addicted. I can’t believe we were so stubborn, or sidetracked to not believe all of our friends telling us we said to…
Read MoreWhether you think you can or you can’t; you’re right.
Yesterday turned into a series of catastrophes. I spent most the morning fixing some issues with the old church site (I had to update every font on 6 different files because the original designer refused to send the fonts used to create her file so that I could fix the links — I just don’t…
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